My tweaks for using my rust-analyzer & Emacs setup on the std libs sources. rustemacsrust-langlsplsp-modeemacs-lsplspconfigrust-hack UpdatedSep 9, 2024 Rust straightchlorine/neovim-pax Star1 Extensive configuration for Neovim providing support for vast array of technologies. ...
Yeah it would be very helpful to get a test-case that reproduces, that we could compare across clients. I could imagine this being a rust-analyzer/dartls specific thing, or an issue with neovim core. Just FYI none of the formatting code is implemented in this repo. ...
local lspconfig = require('lspconfig') lspconfig.rust_analyzer.setup { -- Server-specific settings. See `:help lspconfig-setup` settings = { ['rust-analyzer'] = {}, }, } Troubleshooting The most common reasons a language server does not start or attach are: Language server is not in...
我正在使用mason和lazy.nvim插件管理器。 这是我的 mason-lspconfig 设置 { "williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim", config = function() require("mason-lspconfig").setup({ ensure_installed = { "angularls", "bashls", "cssls", "eslint", "gopls", "html", "jsonls", "lua_ls", "rust_an...
local lspconfig = require('lspconfig') lspconfig.rust_analyzer.setup { -- Server-specific settings. See `:help lspconfig-setup` settings = { ['rust-analyzer'] = {}, }, } TroubleshootingThe most common reasons a language server does not start or attach are:...
chore(rust-analyzer): usevim.json.decodeinstead offn.json_decodeby @numToStr in fix: increase the lspinfo window row value by @glepnir in ...
rust-analyzer 在 macOS 上无法在 neovim 中工作。 我正在使用M1 Mac上的NeoVim和NvChad默认配置。尝试编辑.rs文件。Neovim lsp显示片段,但没有错误或自动完成。 我的操作 我已经使用Mason安装了rust-analyzer并进行了配置。 # ~/.config/nvim/lua/custom/configs/l... macosrustneovimrust-analyzernvim-lspconf...
#2821 Add the ability to restart therust-analyzerlanguage server with updated settings. Add arestartmethod tovim.lsp.clientinlua/lspconfig/util.luato support restarting with updated settings. Implement therestartmethod to stop the client, update settings, and start the client again. ...
See `:help lspconfig-setup` settings = { ['rust-analyzer'] = {}, }, }TroubleshootingThe most common reasons a language server does not start or attach are:Language server is not installed. nvim-lspconfig does not install language servers for you. You should be able to run the cmd ...
rustrust-analyzer sveltesvelte-language-server tailwindcsstailwindcss-intellisense (pulled directly from the latest VSCode extension) terraformTerraform Language Server (terraform-ls) typescripttypescript-language-server vimvim-language-server vuevls (vetur) ...