Mathematics with Data Science ■数学统计与商业专业 Mathematics,Statistics and Business ■数据科学专业 Data Science ■精算专业 Actuarial Science 01 什么是TMUA考试? TMUA全称The Test of Mathematics for University Admission,是由剑...
科目:Maths, History, Economics+EPQ 成绩:A*A*A* PS: 已被拒,理由是PS不够好 专业:Economics 科目:Further Maths, Maths, Economics, Computer Science 成绩:A*A*A*A* 专业:psychology 科目:maths further maths psychology Spanish ...
2024fall,LSE经济系三个本科专业中,①经济学②计量经济学与数理经济学两个专业新增附加考试要求,鼓励申请者参加TMUA笔试。而③经济与经济史专业暂无相关要求。 【Department of Mathematics数学系】 · BSc Mathematics with Data Science (3 year degree)(推荐) · BSc Mathematics and Economics (3 year degree)(...
科目:Maths, History, Economics+EPQ 成绩:A*A*A* PS: 已被拒,理由是PS不够好 专业:Economics 科目:Further Maths, Maths, Economics, Computer Science 成绩:A*A*A*A* 专业:psychology 科目:maths further maths psychology Spanish 成绩:4A* 专业:Mathematics with Data Science 科目:Maths, FM, Eco,Geog(...
成绩:maths (A*实考), further maths A* ,chemistry A* GCSE: 8-9 专业:bio natsci 学院:emmanuel 科目:bio, chem, maths+EPQ 成绩:4A* 专业:Computer Science 学院:Clare College 科目:Maths, Further Maths, Physics,Computer Science 成绩:预估4A* ...
You study all of the core modules below: Plagiarism Awareness (not assessed); Career & Professional Development Workshops (not assessed); Analytics in Businessx; Data Structures and Algorithms; Fundamentals of Database Technologies; Machine Learning; Maths and Statistics Foundations for Analysis; Network...
You study all of the core modules below: Plagiarism Awareness (not assessed); Career & Professional Development Workshops (not assessed); Analytics in Businessx; Data Structures and Algorithms; Fundamentals of Database Technologies; Machine Learning; Maths and Statistics Foundations for Analysis; Network...
LSE最近也在发玄学以及正式offer,比如reef和risk finance这种已经有学生无玄学offer了。其他玄学以及offer类还有,比如 applicable maths、finance、management strategy、health data science、以及一些传媒的GMC等等都在出结果。 LSE今年还是对国内985和211比较抠,目前的offer雨基本要么是加本,要么是英本,要么也是中外合作2+...
given me a good theoretical understanding of social science perspectives. This will prove particularly useful when studying an interdisciplinary course. My AS level Maths this has helped me to apply and develop my numerical skills which means that I can readily evaluate and analyse quantitative data....
Technology Minerals: Century Cobalt dumps again do the maths the end is nigh! By Tom Winnifrith 1 day ago CMO Group – intra-day “Year-end trading update and financing Update”. Uh Oh… By Steven Moore 1 day ago A disgraced fund manager rushes to defend Rachel from Customer Services...