以MSc Geographic Data Science (地理数据科学硕士)专业为例,申请要求是: 英国本科:2:1学位; 国内本科:均分85%-90%; 背景要求:要求量化技能优异; 雅思:总分7.0(小分6.5); 会计金融 QS世界大学学科排名:世界第7,英国第3 AF专业隶属的LSE的会计学院,在世界会计金融研究领域享有盛名,课程均以社会科学为基础,以...
Prof. Connson Locke是伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)管理学系的教育教授(Professor in Education),兼任该系教学与学习领域的副主任(Deputy Head of Department, Teaching and Learning)。她于加州大学伯克利分校获得组织行为学博士学位及硕士学位,并以优异成绩毕业于哈佛大学社会学专业。在学术教育和研究领域有着卓越表现的她,...
3. 专业介绍网站:http://www.lse.ac.uk/management/programmes/msc/marketing 今年新开硕士专业2:MSc in Data Science 划重点: 1. 本专业课程设置重点在三个方面:Data Science, Computational Techniques 和Statistical Analysis,选修课范围从distributed computing for big data, Statistical Computing, 到Financial ...
以及港中文的new media;第二是传媒偏商科的营销公关和品牌,包括港中文、利兹、NUS、LSE的战略传播、广告学和企业传播硕士;第三是大数据传播偏计算传播学,包括NUS的data and communication,港城communication and new media中偏向大数据的stream,以及传播学名校阿姆斯特丹大学的school of communication science下设的四个专业...
Xiaolin Li, assistant professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Master's degree in Economics from Peking University, PhD in Business Administration from the University of Minnesota, USA. She has been ...
⬇️⬇️⬇️Delving deeper into outcome optimisation amid uncertainties in decision-making, I actively engaged in the exploration of these intersections, leading me to participate in a research project called "A Course in Game Theory", led by a University professor. My understanding broaden...
Data:2024.09.22 01 剑桥大学社会学系专业介绍: 政治与社会、媒体与文化 边缘与排除、健康医疗与社会 1.1 学院特色 除了课程的不断扩展,剑桥社会学还有几个显著的特点。 首先,剑桥社会学一直以其对社会理论的贡献而闻名。安东尼·吉登斯(Professor Anthony Giddens)的工作在这一领域起到了核心作用,帮助建立了对当代现...
🎉 我的offer 🎉 伦敦政治经济学院London School of Economics and Political Science - MSc Media and Communications 谢菲尔德大学University of Sheffield - MA Digital Media and Society 纽卡斯尔大学Newcastle University - MA Media and Public Relations👩🏫 我的推荐人 👩🏫 Assistant Professor...
Most recently writing on marketing and data science company Jaywing plc (JWNG), last month with the shares down to 1.5p I wrote “red flags at Christmas starting early… 23rd Dec 3:02pm “Notice of Requisition of General Meeting” –concluding that hopefully my warnings were heeded as it ...
Note: should you wish to claim CPD activity, the onus is upon you. The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and GetSmarter accept no responsibility, and cannot be held responsible, for the claiming or validation of hours or points. ...