. . . The casual, slightly dream-like condition persisted into the afternoon. I had great trouble reporting in any organized way on a simple problem. I felt a growing general weariness, an increasing awareness that I had now returned to everyday reality. The second day after the experiment ...
The Beatles’ first encounter with drugs was the stimulant Benzedrine, via a somewhat unorthodox method, in June 1960. The first drugs I ever took, I was still at art school, with the group – we all took it together – was Benzedrine from the inside of an inhaler. John Lennon, 1974 ...
The best description I’ve found for it is the term mysterium tremendum et fascinans, coined by theologians to describe an encounter with the “Wholly Other”: a feeling of joy and demonic terror at the same time. Not two different feelings, mind you, but a single unbearable one. Huxley ...
I am very proud and happy with our new acoustics lab. It is indeed a dream come true for what I had wanted most of my life—the means to satisfy my dedication for creating better sound. It has all of the equipment that Carl and I need to gain even more knowledge of the real world...