Ectopically expressed GFP-tagged Lsd1 or Lsd2 localize to lipid droplets, both in mammalian cell culture and in the fat body of Drosophila (Miura et al., 2002). This shows that the targeting to lipid droplets is a feature conserved between Drosophila and mammalian PAT-family members. We ...
A total of 2 × 104 GFP-labeled MCF7 or 2 × 104 GFP-labeled MDA-MB-231 cells were seeded in the Transwell filter. After 48 h, GFP-labeled cells in the lower chamber were observed and counted under a fluorescence microscope. Endothelial cells tube formation assay Endothelial ...
We found that LSD1i (ZY0511 or SP2577) treatment and LSD1 knockdown by siRNAs targeting LSD1 resulted in substantial suppression of HR in A2780 and ES2 DR-GFP cell models, and this suppression was similar in extent to that seen with siRNAs targeting two key HR genes, BRCA2 and RAD51....
FW27623 / hostloc-auto-get-points fyfh / hostloc-auto-get-points gdhfii / hostloc-auto-get-points gfpts / hostloc-auto-get-points gfw404 / hostloc-auto-get-points ghosx / hostloc-auto-get-points gianozdp / hostloc-auto-get-points gimgoo / hostloc-auto-get-points GinNi...
0 with high purity,THM plasmid-transfected 293 T cells appeared green fluorescence,which was eukaryotic expression vector of GFP green fluorescent protein,suggesting that transfection was successful. The protein expression level of LSD1 was decreased and its main substrat...
The levels of GFP in these cell lines was determined by flow cytometry on a FACSDiva (BD Biosciences) followed by analysis using FloJo ( 1-3 weeks after infection. To generate polyclonal LSD1 knockout cells, SU-DIPGVI+Cas9 and HSJD-DIPG007+Cas9 cells were spin...
Yellow white (yw) and the Drosophila carrying inverted repeats of green fluorescent protein gene (yw; UAS-GFPIR; +) were crossed with the female MS1096-GAL4 driver as controls. Lsd1 was knocked down in the posterior wing disc and embryo (using en-GAL4 driver), in eye discs (using GMR...
checkpoints/SadTalker_V0.0.2_256.safetensors packaged sadtalker checkpoints of old version, 256 face render). checkpoints/SadTalker_V0.0.2_512.safetensors packaged sadtalker checkpoints of old version, 512 face render). gfpgan/weights Face detection and enhanced models used in facexlib and ...
GFPgreenfluorescentprotein 绿色荧光蛋 白 HAhemagglutinin凝血素 HCVhepatitisCvirus 丙型肝炎病 毒 HSLhormone-sensitivelipase 激素敏感性 脂酶 Kbkilobasepair千碱基对 KDakilodalton千道尔顿 LBluria-bertani(medium)LB(培养基) LCFAlong-chainfattyacid长链脂肪酸 LDlipiddroplet脂滴 LPLlipoproteinlipase 脂蛋白脂肪 ...
LSD65R180GFparameter LSD65R180GFencapsulation LSD65R180GFParameter data LSD65R180GFPDF data LSD65R180GFParameters of the specification LSD65R180GFPDF data book LSD65R180GFChinese language materials specification LSD65R180GFPin definition LSD65R180GFPin figure LSD65R180GFpin LSD65R180GFCircuit principle...