lscpu命令 是显示有关CPU架构的信息。语法lscpu [选项] 选项-a, --all # 打印在线和离线CPU(默认为-e) -b, --online # 仅打印在线CPU(-p的默认值) -c, --offline # 打印离线CPU -e, --extended[=<list>] # 打印出一个扩展的可读格式 -p, --parse[=<list>] # 打印出可解析的格式 -s, -...
lscpu 命令安装: -bash: lscpu: command not found #Ubuntu apt-get install util-linux #CentOS yum install util-linux #Fedora dnf install util-linux #OS X brew install util-linux #Docker docker run lscpu 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16...
host system. Options thatresultinan outputtablehave a list argument. Use this argumenttocustomize the command output. Specify a comma-sepa‐ rated listofcolumnlabelstolimit the outputtabletoonlythe specified columns, arrangedinthe specified order. See COLUMNSfora listofvalidcolumnlabels. Thecolumnlabel...
14.Linuxlscpu命 令详解 我们先看man lscpu display information about the CPU architecture 翻译:显示cpu架构信息 具体的描述如下: lscpu gathers CPU architecture information from sysfs, /proc/cpuinfo and any applicable architecture-specific libraries (e.g. librtas on Powerpc). The command output can be... 拥有者 内核中无 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cache 无法获取数值,使用默认值。 @overweight 我使用 util-linux-2.32.1-1.h1 中的 lscpu 就没有问题: [root@localhost ~]# ./lscpuArchitecture: aarch64Byte Order: Little EndianCPU(s...
crond.service - Command Scheduler Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/crond.service; enabled) Active: active (running) since Thu 2015-09-03 00:28:24 CST; 2s ago Main PID: 7323 (crond) CGroup: /system.slice/crond.service └─7323 /usr/sbin/crond -n ...
Another useful command on multiple linux distributions is this one : $ lscpu 1 $ lscpu The command try to display information on your CPU in a human readable format but do not include all the information available. OS X : On OS X mountain lion and probably some other versions, the comm...
Gather CPU data for a Linux instance other than the instance from which the lscpu command is issued. The specified directory is the system root of the Linux instance to be inspected. −x, −−hex Use hexadecimal masks for CPU sets (for example 0x3). The default is to print the set...
lscpu command gives us information about our processor’s architecture, which operation mode the processor is currently using, the byte order, how many processors we’re running, how many cores, and so on. In an active Terminal session, type the following command: ...