LSC Communications (NYSE: LKSD) provides traditional and digital print, print-related services, and office products that serves the needs of publishers, merchandisers, and retailers. Use the CB Insights Platform to explore LSC Communications's full profi
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News Tech Finance Leadership Well Recommends Fortune 500 Companies LSC CommunicationsLSC CommunicationsCompany InformationKey Financials (last Fiscal Year)Profit RatiosEarnings Per Share (last Fiscal Year)Total Return Updated:5/18/2020 Country:U.S. Headquarters:Chicago, Ill. Industry:Publishing, Printing ...
Atlas Holdings, headquartered in Greenwich, Conn., announced Friday it has completed its acquisition of substantially all of the assets of LSC Communications Inc., a leader in print and digital media solutions with a facility in Warsaw. LSC is the largest producer of books in the United States ...