Produce output in the form of key="value" pairs. All potentially unsafe characters are hex-escaped (\x<code>). -p, --paths Print full device paths. -r, --raw Produce output in raw format. All potentially unsafe characters are hex-escaped (\x<code>) in the NAME, KNAME, LABEL, PAR...
Produce output in the form of key="value" pairs. The output lines are still ordered by dependencies. All potentially unsafe value characters are hex-escaped (\x<code>). See also option--shell. -p,--paths Print full device paths.
-P, --pairs Produce output in the form of key="value" pairs. All potentially unsafe characters are hex-escaped (\xcode). -p, --paths Print full device paths. -r, --raw Produce output in raw format. All potentially unsafe characters are hex-escaped (\xcode) in the NAME, KNAME, ...