然而,关于writing sample,由于大多数人的打字速度比他们的写字速度更快,因此在文章字数大致不变的情况下,考生完成这一模块所需的实际时间可能会更少。另一个较大的转变是,考生完成writing sample和完成LSAT其余部分测试的时间不会在同一天。此外,线上writing sample的编辑程序也添加了许多常见的文字处理功能,包括拼写检...
Fourteen Sample Reading Comprehension Questions and Explanations Thesamplequestionsonthefol lowing pagesaretypical of the ReadingComprehension questionsyouwi l l findonthe LSAT Threesingle-passage Reading Comprehension passagesare included,buttheyarefol lowed byonlytwoorthreesampleques-tions each,whereas each ...
(3)1个部分的分析推理(Analytical Reasoning: 4 logic games, 22-24 total questions) (4)1个不计分的评测部分,题型可能是以上三种中的任一种,供入学委员会测试未来可能的考题。 (5)1个不计分的写作部分,会被作为writing sample的参考寄到所有申请学校。 每部分考试时间为35分钟,在第3个和第4个部分之间有1...
Some examples of LSAT practice questions are: Logical Reasoning When pregnant lab rats are given caffeine equivalent to the amount a human would consume by drinking six cups of coffee per day, an increase in the incidence of birth defects results. When asked if the government would require warni...
unscored section (variable section) contains questions used to pre-test new questions or new test forms. You will not know when you are working on the variable section as its placement varies. There is also an unscored section where you will submit a writing sample. The content sections ...
LSAT考试由五大部分组成,分别是逻辑推理(Logical Reasoning)、分析推理(Analytical Reasoning)、阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)、实验(或称不计分变量部分,即Unscored Variable section)和写作(Writing Sample)。每部分限时35分钟,前四个部分均由多项选择题组成。
Even if you’re well into yourLSAT prep, you may still have questions about the additional essay assignment called LSAT Writing. In this short piece, we’ll cover what it is, why law schools want it, and how to create a winning LSAT Writing essay. ...
an unscored Writing Sample (also known as the Essay) The LSAT also includes an unscored experimental section. How long is the LSAT? The LSAT is 2 hours and 30 minutes long. The test consists of 99–102 multiple-choice questions. LSAT is designed so that the average test taker should not...
Logical Reasoning SECTION I Analytical Reasoning SECTION II Logical Reasoning SECTION III Reading Comprehension SECTION IV Writing Sample Materials � � � � � 1 1 1 –2– SECTION I Time—35 minutes 25 Questions Directions: The questions in this section are based on the reasoning ...