Logical Reasoning Practice Questions on the LSAT Are you gearing up for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT)? Regardless of your dream law school, the LSAT can be your ally in achieving that goal. Being the sole admission test accepted by all ABA-approved law schools, it plays a crucial ...
RC的话其实真的蛮搞心态的,去reddit上看很多native speaker也都是最struggle这一部分,我的话建议就是,前期背背托福、GRE单词,因为市面上专门为LSAT设计的vocabulary book真的不多,然后把词汇量搞到15000左右,这个时候你应付LSAT应该就没什么问题了 我个人认为市面上几个主流的参考书,对我RC部分的帮助都不是很大,...
4. Reddit 上刷到一位大善人 u/bearbearbear2 做了一个application compilation,这个cycle有很多一样善良的朋友们参与了,把自己的申请材料(PS, Why X, resume)以及申请结果打包上传到了Google Drive. 如果原文那些sample看完还是对文书应该怎么写没有头绪的话,这个drive里新鲜出炉的文章也可以看看参考一下。链接:h...
If you have ever wanted to practice law, or dreamed of arguing a case in court or reenacting your favorite scenes from a crime drama, you may have considered whether you should become a lawyer. Becoming a lawyer is a tough road, but many people find… ...
有人准备了两个月就上了170,有人努力了两年但依然突破不了这个瓶颈,也有人平时做PT (Practice Test) 从来没下过170但真实考试偏偏次次16x。在真正地拿到一个成绩之前,一切都是未知。 2)LSAT从零开始怎么上手? 1.先严格计时做diagnostic https://www.lsac.org/sites/default/files/legacy/docs/default-source/...
Full explanations for every question from LSAT Preptest 75, the June 2015 test. For free. What are you waiting for? Review on your own first. Have the question on hand. Draw the logic games diagrams yourself, on paper. You won't learn much if you just follow along on screen. ...
After purchasing and watching the seminar a week before the test, I was able to finish all sections on time during my September LSAT and got 167. In the following months, I followed Graeme’s advice, read The Economist in my spare time, and took more practice tests – and I got an ...
If you don’t believe me look at what the LSAT subreddit has to say about this service. When I stopped using this service my high practice test was a 166 (up from a cold diagnostic of a 158). I ended up switching to 7sage and then LSAT Demon but there are also a lot of other...
1. 最重要的是practice。争取尽早开始按模考形式做题,在指定时间内做完每个section,每次做4个section,中间只安排一次2、3分钟的休息。 2. 做完后一定要认真review,仔细思考分析为何做错,做到真正理解;阅读可以细看,梳通句子结构,文章脉络;不仅对考试有利,对总体英语阅读能力都会有帮助。 3. 可以考虑背诵陌生词汇,因...
like this before. If you are a philosophy major like Branden, you may have a leg up on the competition, but for the most part, this is a completely new skill to people, so don’t let the fact that you blow your first logic game section on your first practice test make you hate ...