Theaverage rangeis from 120 to 180 points. That’s a pretty narrow score range, but it reflects a wide diversity of abilities and outcomes. The mean LSAT score is approximately 150, but you’re going to have to do well above average to get into a top law school. Here’s what average...
1.LSAT简介 法学院入学考试(Law School Admission Test,简称LSAT),是美国法学院入学委员会(Law School Admission Council,简称LSAC)为其下200多所法学院设置的J.D.入学资格考试,这些法学院多数分布在美国各州,少量在加拿大。美国几乎所有的法学院都要求申请人参加LSAT,其成绩作为法学院评估申请者的条件之一,是一项非常...
申请时:Sign Up LSAC Account | Law School Admission Council (点击前方网址,在申请页面里,需要一个邮箱来作验证,注意邮箱最好使用国际通用邮箱,方便接受二维码,按指示操作后,输入验证码,输入完成之后,就创建好自己的账号啦! 填写信息时,姓名按护照和英文书写方式填写,会让你选一个国家,如实...
Top 5 Law School Scores The median and 75th percentile scores for the top five schools as of their respective 2022 Raw Data Law School Rankings are as follows: Lesson Course 556views About the LSAT Score The score on the LSAT will be on a scale from 120 to 180, with 180 being the bes...
Generally, a score of 160 or higher can pave the way to a top program, but even a perfect score of 180 doesn’t guarantee acceptance, says Sydney Montgomery, a graduate of Harvard Law School in Massachusetts and founder and executive director of Barrier Breakers, an educational consulting serv...
Law School and Multiple LSAT Scores More Getty Images If you feel you can improve your score by at least a few points, retaking the LSAT is worthwhile. Law schools will know if you retake the LSAT, but they are unlikely to care. There are more than enough reasons ...
Students who put in the work with Kaplan raise their LSAT score by 15 points on average. Enroll now in our LSAT prep and start increasing your score today.
New York University School of Law 169 3.78 University of Pennsylvania Law School 169 3.89 University of Michigan Ann Arbor 168 3.76 University of Virginia School of Law 168 3.86 University of California, Berkeley School of Law (Boalt) 166 3.78 [ CHECK OUT: LSAT Score Predictor – What would ...