lsa-arrival-interval { interval | intelligent-timer max-interval start-interval hold-interval } undo lsa-arrival-interval Parameters ParameterDescriptionValue interval Specifies the interval for receiving LSAs. The value is an integer ranging from 0 to 10000, in ms. intelligent-timer Enables an in...
Life satisfaction approach (LSA) Land consumption (LC) Subjective well-being index (SWBI) Land uses (LUs) Ecosystem services (ESs)Use our pre-submission checklist Avoid common mistakes on your manuscript. Sections Figures References Abstract Introduction Land Consumption, Soil Degradation, and Ecosyste...
ospfAsLsaCount INTEGER (0..4294967295) Read-only The number of AS-scope link state advertisements in the AS-scope link state database. This object is implemented as defined in the corresponding MIB files. Translation Favorite Download Update Date:2024-11-20 Document ID:EDOC1100332328 Views:...
NTSTATUSLsaQueryInformationPolicy( [in] LSA_HANDLE PolicyHandle, [in] POLICY_INFORMATION_CLASS InformationClass, [out] PVOID *Buffer ); Parameter [in] PolicyHandle Ein Handle für einPolicy-Objekt. Die erforderlichen Zugriffsrechte für dieses Handle hängen vom Wert desInformationClass-Parameters...
The LSA_ENUMERATION_INFORMATION structure is used with the LsaEnumerateAccountsWithUserRight function to return a pointer to a SID.
NTSTATUSLsaQueryInformationPolicy( [in] LSA_HANDLE PolicyHandle, [in] POLICY_INFORMATION_CLASS InformationClass, [out] PVOID *Buffer ); 参数 [in] PolicyHandle Policy对象的句柄。 此句柄所需的访问权限取决于InformationClass参数的值。 有关详细信息,请参阅打开策略对象句柄。
LsaSetForestTrustInformation 函式會設定指定之本地安全機構TrustedDomain 對象的樹系信任資訊。語法C++ 複製 NTSTATUS LsaSetForestTrustInformation( [in] LSA_HANDLE PolicyHandle, [in] PLSA_UNICODE_STRING TrustedDomainName, [in] PLSA_FOREST_TRUST_INFORMATION ForestTrustInfo, [in] BOOLEAN CheckOnly...
Some Huawei products have a MaxAge LSA vulnerability due to improper OSPF implementation. When the device receives special LSA packets, the LS (Link Status) age would be set to MaxAge, 3600 seconds. An attacker can exploit this vulnerability to poison the route table and launch a DoS attack...
A função LsaCreateTrustedDomainEx estabelece um novo domínio confiável criando um novo objeto TrustedDomain .SintaxeC++ Copiar NTSTATUS LsaCreateTrustedDomainEx( [in] LSA_HANDLE PolicyHandle, [in] PTRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFORMATION_EX TrustedDomainInformation, [in] PTRUSTED_DOMAIN_AUTH_INFORMATION Auth...
Chen, YP.P., Hartmann, S., Kirchberg, M. (2008). Preface to CMLSA 2008. In: Song, IY.,et al.Advances in Conceptual Modeling – Challenges and Opportunities. ER 2008. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5232. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.