LS-TaSC® is a Topology and Shape Computation tool which is used to optimize the topology of parts for non-linear problems involving dynamics loads and contact condition. It can be implemented to find a concept design for structures analysed using LS-DYNA. ...
LS-TaSC主要对具有大变形、动态载荷、接触条件等非线性问题进行 结构拓扑优化或形状优化,支持Windows和Linux操作系统。目前LS-TaSC面对所有LS-DYNA用户免费开放,用户可从下载…
LS-TaSC™ is a Topology and Shape Computation tool. Developed for engineering analysts who need to optimize structures, LS-TaSC works with both the implicit and explicit solvers of LS-DYNA. LS-TaSC handles topology optimization of large non-linear problems, involving dynamic loads and contact co...
LS-TASC™是LSTC专门针对有限元拓扑和形状计算的工具软件。专门为需要分析优化结构的工程师开发,LS-TASC与有隐式和显式求解器LS-DYNA共同工作。LS-TASC可以处理大型非线性问题的拓扑优化,涉及动态载荷和接触条件。目前新的LS-TASC软件版本为3.2,可以通过以下地址免费下载 通用...
1. ls-tasc拓扑优化技术的原理 ls-tasc拓扑优化技术是一种基于拓扑结构的优化方法,通过对系统的拓扑结构进行调整,实现对系统性能的改进。其原理主要包括以下几个方面: 1.1 拓扑结构分析:ls-tasc技术首先对系统的各个组成部分进行拓扑结构分析,确定系统中各个元件之间的相互关系和连接方式。 1.2 性能评估:在对系统的拓...
The LS-TaSC Version 3.1 topology and shape design tool is presented, as well as the major new features in LS-TaSC Version 3.0. The presentation introduces the multi-point numerical derivatives scheme that allows constrained optimization using the mass fractions and load case weights as variables. ...
LS-TaSC Version 2.1(optimization11-c)
With the LS-TaSC program, the shell thicknesses can be designed. 1.4. Size Optimization In this mode, the designer has already finalized the configuration of the system but improvements are sought by changing the thickness of members of the structure on a part basis instead of an element by ...
LS-DYNA有限元建模分析和优化设计LS-PrePost几何建模网格划分后处理二次开发 LS-OPT和LS-TaSC联合LS-DYNA优化设计书籍 作者:辛春亮、朱星宇、王凯、时党勇、刘安阳出版社:清华大学出版社 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥140.00 定价 ¥140.00 配送至 北京 至 北京市东城区 服务 由“韵苑图书专营店”发货...