但在试用之后,加入KC62的LS50 WirelessII代的低频表现的确是好了一些,并且连中低频的厚度都有所增加。
The LS50 Wireless II delivered a fly-on-the-studio-wall listening experience, and what a trip it is to hear stripped-down, remixed, and radically different work-in-progress renderings of tunes like Get Back, Don’t Let Me Down, and She Came in Through the Bathroom Window. (Incidentally,...
百度爱采购为您找到108家最新的kef ls50wirelessii 蓝牙音箱音响产品的详细参数、实时报价、行情走势、优质商品批发/供应信息,您还可以免费查询、发布询价信息等。
which carried up to 24-bit/192kHz PCM audio. With the LS50 Wireless II, the primary and secondary speakers can be linked wirelessly. They’re paired at the factory, so you don’t have to worry about this in setup. You can also hardwire the primary and secondary speaker by...
...and that proprietary MQA audio, directly to the KEF LS50 Wireless II network attached active loudspeakers. For somebody like your niece or daughter who just wants to listen to some good music, isn't concerned about the proprietary nature of MQA if it works well enough, and isn't interes...
Sam Tellig agreed with me, commenting in May 2014 that he found the LS50's tonality "spot-on, more neutral than sweet. Soundstaging and imaging were top-notch. Definition was superb, ranking with the very best speakers at any price." Stephen Mejias was equally impressed, concluding in Ju...