轴距增加800mm,并更新了新的红色皮革内饰。 Engine V8, 1UZ-FE, 3968cc 261hp, 365Nm, 4-speed A341E automatic, RWD.
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Lexus LS400Evaluates the Lexus LS400 4-door luxury car. Reliability; Owner satisfaction; Passenger seating; Four-speed automatic transmission; Rear-wheel drive suspension; Handling and ride quality; Control display; Climate control; Performance of V8 engine.Consumer Reports...
首页/产品/空气滤清器/乘用车滤清器/Lexus LS400 1990-2000 Engine Air Filter 17801-50010-83 Lexus LS400 1990-2000 Engine Air Filter 17801-50010-83 立即咨询下一款产品 分享
0 - 60 mph8.5 s Top speed160 kph (99 mph) Powertrain specs Engine typeV8 Displacement4.0 l (244 ci) Power253 ps (250 bhp / 186 kw) Torque353 Nm (260 lb-ft) Power / liter63 ps (63 hp) Power / weight149 ps (147 bhp) / t ...
图 丰田1UZ-FE故障诊断座采用普通方式调取故障码时,将点火开关翻开,但不起动发动机,用专用跨接线短接故障诊断座上的“TEl与“El端子,仪表盘上的故障指示灯“CHECK ENGINE即闪烁输出故障码。试验方式调取故障码是在汽车运行状态下采集故障信息的,比普通方式检测的灵敏度高,能获得更多的故障信息。采用试验方式调取故障码...
作者: Bedard,P. 摘要: Discusses the all-new Toyota Lexus, LS400 a luxury five-passenger, four-door sedan with a 4.0-liter V-8 engine. It will sell for about $35,000. Standard and optional accessories; Test drive impressions; Specifications; Design; Market goals. 年份: 1989 收藏...
1993 LS400 ECU 89661-50170 or 89661-50171. Engine control, computer, ECU Page Description: Offer to Buy Lexus Assorted. 1993 LS400 ECU - Assorted offer brand is Lexus Keywords: Misc. Parts, Assorted, 1993 LS400 ECU, Assorted, automotive parts, liquidation, overstock, surplus, buy and sell...
若有故障码储存,“CHECK ENGINE”灯将不断地闪烁循环显示所有的故障代码,每一循环依数值小的故障码在前、数值大的故障码在后的顺序显示,直到拆下诊断座上的专用短 接线为止;丰田车系故障码为两位数,“CHECK ENGINE”灯闪亮与熄灭的时间均为0.5s,闪 亮的次数代表故障码数值,一个故障码的十位与个位之间有1.5s熄...
来自 EBSCO 喜欢 0 阅读量: 19 作者: Karr,J. 摘要: Describes the Toyota Lexus LS 400, the luxury car to be launched in the US on Sep. 1. Mechanics; Engine; Traction control system; Interior; Comparisons to European luxury sedans. 年份: 1989 ...