Solved: Hi We have designed a new custom NXP LS1027A based board almost similar to LS1028A RDB. While testing the new board , When we powered on,
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We have a custom board with LS1027A CPU on it. When I attempt to reboot the board from Linux, the system doesn't actually reboot, all it does is write this on the serial terminal and then hangs: reboot: Restarting systemUnable to restart system Out board looks so much like the LS...
We have a custom board with LS1027A CPU on it. When I attempt to reboot the board from Linux, the system doesn't actually reboot, all it does is write this on the serial terminal and then hangs: reboot: Restarting system Unable to restart system ...
Solved: Hello, We have developed a custom board with the LS1027A, but we can't get it to boot with the SD Card. The LS1027A is set to 1.8V at the