LS-Flow 是一款集成 GSM/GPRS 模块的数据记录器。它由电池供电,防水(IP68)且易于安装。当它与由电池供电的WATERFLUX 3070 水表配套使用时,组成了一款理想的解决方案,用于监测区域计量应用中的饮用水。该数据记录器,具有 Modbus 通信功能。对于广泛的过程参数和仪表诊断数据,可以通过这种方式,实现数据存储和远程传输。...
Drop device ●The whole lighting effect is up to 120lm/w, ranking the industry leading level Smooth back design, with no dust accumulation and self-cleaning function ●Various color temperature options to enhance visual comfort ●Waterproof and dustproof grade IP66 & protection grade IK10 ●Suitable...
A Flowls é uma solução all-in-one para a gestão logística, que facilita a integração entre sistemas, automatiza tarefas e aprimora a colaboração na cadeia logística ao centralizar os dados e a comunicação em um único local.
ls-F |grep/ls-F |grep\* #需要用"\"先转义ls-F |grep@ 仅显示当前目录下除.和..外的文件和文件夹的大小并按大小排序? ls-AsSh
在Lsdyna中对于金属材料常见的断裂失效模型包括: (a)固定临界值:如最大/最小压力、最大/最小应力、最大等效失效应变(也称为常应变失效)/应力、最大体积应变、最大剪切应变、成形极限图(FLD)等; (b)失效模型:Johnson-Cook、Gissmo、DIEM、MMC等,如JC模型可考虑温度、应力三轴度、断裂应变、应变率等效应;Gissm...
Getting started with theflow cytometry panel builder tool Choosing the optimal combination of fluorochromes can be simplified with a guided method. TheFlow Panel Builderoffers a curated and customizable approach to the panel building process.
LS4976-400A JIS10K20A奥巴尔流量计参数Penberthy Sight flow indicators752507Flapper Type Sight Flow Indicator50AMarine hydrophoneRSA0040AODD123450005FMarine observation mirror船用观察镜SEMCO LTD.M/E FLOW METER OUTLETvaf instruments flow meter b5023FLOW METER SIZE: JISPipe scopePENBERTHY FLOW METERballast wat...
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This LS-DYNA simulation shows a simple ICFD input deck with a coarse mesh. The inflow is characterized by a prescribed velocity while the reference pressure has been set to 0 for the outlet (undisturbed flow). For the far field domain, a freeslip boundar