Hello,I just installed a stand-alone license of ANSYS on my home computer. The geometry window in ANSYS Workbench appears to be missing the numbers on the distance scale at the bottom of the window, as well as the numbers on the contour bar legend (see screenshot below). How would I ...
Hi. I'm having difficulties with exporting the velocity profiles in Ansys CFD-Post.My velocity profile plot has many sharp edges and I want to make it smoother. I'm looking for a way better than using finer mesh, such as make more datapoints, or interpolated values.I created a line...
LS-DYNA可以在显式分析和采用不同时间步长的隐式分析之间进行切换。不同学科如热耦合分析、计算流体动力学(CFD)、流固耦合、光滑粒子流体动力学(SPH)、无网格伽辽金法(EFG)、颗粒法(CPM)、边界元法(BEM)等可以与结构动力学相结合进行分析。 LS-DYNA主要应用领域 ...
LS-DYNA软件是以显式为主、隐式为辅的通用非线性动力分析有限元程序...大家都在看 ꄴ上一个: 无 ꄲ下一个: Oasys 厂商:LSTC LS-DYNA软件是以显式为主、隐式为辅的通用非线性动力分析有限元程序,特别适合求解各种二维、三维非线性结构的高速碰撞、爆炸和金属成形等非线性动力冲击问题。它能解决几何非线...
The LS-DYNA®Aerospace Working Group (AWG) is a partnership of federal agencies, corporations, and universities working together to develop and publish aerospace test cases and modeling guidelines for finite element analyses with LS-DYNA®. The actions of the AWG serve to support the use, deve...
摘自:上海仿坤(LS-DYNA China)官网 http://lsdyna-china.com/display/233385.html 最新 LS-DYNA 手册 LS-DYNA dev Keyword Manual Vol I (Updated 16Oct2018) LS-DYNA dev Ke
> 研究生教材 > 机械工业出版社(CMP) > 官网 基于LS-DYNA的爆炸与爆破数值模拟技术 李胜林 教材 9787111709305 机械工业出版社 机械工业出版社官方旗舰店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 4.6 高 物流履约: 4.6 高 售后服务: 4.8 高 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 ...
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