打开Epic Games 启动器。 点击游戏库。 找到您想游玩的游戏,确保游戏显示为“运行”。 如果游戏已显示运行,但此错误依旧存在,我们推荐将此游戏卸载,然后重新安装: 打开Epic Games 启动器。 点击游戏库。 点击想玩游戏旁边的三点标志。 单击卸载。 重启Epic Games 启动器,重新安装游戏。 如果游戏状态显示了运行之外...
Open the Epic Games Launcher. Click on the Library. Click on the three dots next to the game you want to verify. On the drop-down navigation, click Manage. Click on Verify. Once completed, try to launch the game. Moving or modifying game files If you install a ga...
Close the Epic Games Launcher. You can do this by right-clicking it on the system tray icon and clicking on Exit. Go to the game installation path. This is the location where the games are installed. Select the folder of the game that’s getting the error then delete it. This will re...
Epic Games is not without errors likelogin errors,connection errors,Installer errors. We will discuss these twoEpic Games error codesin separate subheadings below, each with its potential causes as well as their respective solutions. How to fix Epic Games Launcher error code IS-MF-01 When you e...
Abre el iniciador de Epic Games. Haz clic en Biblioteca. Busca el juego que intentas jugar y confirma que diga Iniciar. Si dice Iniciar y ves este error, te recomendamos desinstalar y reinstalar el juego: Abre el iniciador de Epic Games. Haz clic en Bib...
So überprüfst du im Epic Games Launcher, ob das Spiel ordnungsgemäß installiert ist: Öffne den Epic Games Launcher. Klicke auf deine Bibliothek. Suche nach dem Spiel, das du spielen möchtest, und vergewissere dich, dass „Starten“ angezeigt ...
Riavvia il launcher di Epic Games e prova a installare nuovamente il gioco. Se invece c'è scritto qualcosa di diverso da Avvia, ti consigliamo di provare a verificare i file del gioco: Apri il launcher di Epic Games. Fai clic su Libreria. Fai clic sui tre punt...