Cost Estimating Cost Estimating Read More Scheduling Scheduling Read More ORAT ORAT Read More Contract Management Contract Management Read More Document Control Document Control Read More Project Controls Project Controls Read More Inspection Construction Inspection Re...
The R 2 values for LSRSA=0.9963 in train, 0.9976 in validation, and 0.9969 in test, whereas LSJSA=0.9954 in train, 0.9966 in validation, and 0.9963 in test.Zhou, PuConstruction Department, Hunan Polytechnic of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Changsha, ChinaLunyu, Yin...
Note: ISSA algorithm is used for parameter selection of LSSVM in this procedure.ISSA–LSSVR coal price time series forecast Construction of the time series prediction model In this article, we propose to use the LSSVR model for time series prediction. The performance of the LSSVR prediction mo...
Abstract Circular failure can be seen in weak rocks, the slope of soil, mine dump, and highly jointed rock mass. The challenging issue is to accurately predict the safety factor (SF) and the behavior of slopes. The aim of this study is to offer advanced and accurate models to predict the...
However, costs of port construction are sunk costs. The investment and layout of terminals in a port should match its container throughput volume for the investment to be profitable [8], [9]. For waste avoidance, the port management must be able to accurately forecast container throughput, ...
Added BLKV to*CONTROL_CPMto allocate additional memory for contact nodal force excluding contact nodal force from force transducers and airbag signal surface contact with soft = 2. The nodal force will be used for estimating blockage for external vents. This applies to MPP only. ...
Since the electricity price has an inherent uncertainties, VMI use a new probably function with three-way feature selection based on variational distribution function and lower bound to estimate their relevancy and redundancy in more details without its dependency to MI estimating. Specially, the WPT ...
Active heave compensation of floating wind turbine installation using a catamaran construction vessel 2021, Marine Structures Show abstract Characteristic model-based path following controller design for the unmanned surface vessel 2020, Applied Ocean Research Citation Excerpt : From the viewpoint of system...
Additionally, to address the limitation in the traditional LSSVM algorithm that assumes each data point contributes equally to model construction, weighting factors are designed for each data point based on Lagrange multipliers to reflect differing contributions. Given the challenge of determining relevant...
It is useful for estimating the kind of fish school and bottom composition.Note: In the dual frequency display, the A-scope display is only available with the high frequency display. A-scope display1. Press the MENU/ES 58、C key to open the main menu. 2. Press or to choose A-SCOPE ...