Part 2: Initial install of LS motor and adapting to TH400 Part 3: Custom motor mounts and EGR blockoff plates Part 4: Power steering adapter and LS ECM installation Part 5: LS manifold V-band and exhaust installation Part 6: Coolant/fuel system installation – First Start!
The engine used a metric, 60-degree, Chevrolet V6 bellhousing. The engine shaved about 3mm off the flexplate side and 10mm off the crank snout, and featured a unique timing cover. The starter was mounted on the transmission—not the engine block. The timing cover, cra...
2.变频器配线(配线在 ‘1.7电源配线’中有详细描述) .交流电源应该处于 OFF状态。 .验证 交流电源应该与名签上的电压吻合。 3.1键盘操作提供交流电 DRV 00 的信息是 ‘Manual K/K’, 按下 [MODE] 键显示功能组 按下向上键显示 FUN 01. 按下 [MODE] 键进入程序模式利用方向键选择‘Key”, 然后按下 [...
ten beseclehkätrdoingistcehIesroGlieesrcuhnwgin, dbiegskcehitsärdegigletremZiet lzlwheüilBleantt,eSricehnäbdeetrniedbeunrcwhird, WicShietidgeeshWalbarimnumnegr einnefünrSiAchnewrheenitdsaebrsvtaonndLniatchhiuamllenPSoeliytemnerurn(LdiPumo)Ihr SchmlaisgcheeinnwSiierkBuatntger,ieatuysp...
We will ignore our stubborn insistence on manual transmissions for the sake of this example, because other than the auto trans, it is a perfect 164 LS spec to us. A 1994 model would be non-EGR, which makes service slightly easier. The green exterior over tan interior is one of our favo...
The QCL chip is flanked by two suppressed bcyollaimnataionntilreenflsees c(t5iomnmcodiaamtientegr, onnumthereicallasapeerrtfuareceNtAfa=ci0n.8g5).thIneteMrnaOl cEhMip Smgodreastianreg. An optically nreesuutlrtainl SgiNfropmasn0P2u.es2h.tpu1so8ht.ptiorrSvnreaeieecslatssmuuSst2lpeii0tN...
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ten beseclehkätrdoingistcehIesroGlieesrcuhnwgin, dbiegskcehitsärdegigletremZiet lzlwheüilBleantt,eSricehnäbdeetrniedbeunrcwhird, WicShietidgeeshWalbarimnumnegr einnefünrSiAchnewrheenitdsaebrsvtaonndLniatchhiuamllenPSoeliytemnerurn(LdiPumo)Ihr SchmlaisgcheeinnwSiierkBuatntger,ieatuysp...