Limit_45092023-04-17下载:3 大小:31.68MB 中文教程 LS-DYNA LS-PrePost 默认最新 当前暂无评论,小编等你评论哦! Limit_4509 0 影响力 0 粉丝 0 内容 0 获赞 项目客服 培训客服
播放出现小问题,请 刷新 尝试 0 收藏 分享 10次播放 LS-DYNA前后处理软件Prepost详解 招财喵 发布时间:1天前还没有任何签名哦 关注 发表评论 发表 相关推荐 自动播放 加载中,请稍后... 设为首页© Baidu 使用百度前必读 意见反馈 京ICP证030173号 京公网安备11000002000001号...
DYNA, i discovered that the contact is not working as seen in LS-PrePost and the result seems distorted. The tool material is different from the holder material with different density (1:2). could anyone please help me understand why my rigid body and flexible tool is not bonded together....
Bookmark this page for easy reference to all the resources you need to learn, find examples or solutions, interact with others, or receive support for LS-DYNA. Download the Latest Release Installation & Licensing Guide Free Student Software ...
DYNA, i discovered that the contact is not working as seen in LS-PrePost and the result seems distorted. The tool material is different from the holder material with different density (1:2). could anyone please help me understand why my rigid body and flexible tool is not bonded together....
2 LS-DYNA关键字手册下载(还有没有正式发布的2016年的手册) 3 LS-DYNA example 41 LS-DYNA 会议出版文献,在线,非常多的案列 5 官方FTP下载(LS-PrePost、LS-DYNA求解器以及LS-DYNA 相关的tutorial、example资料)账号user,密码compu...
LS-DYNA网格划分(四):LS-PrePost,网格质量检查和拓扑优化——以“行李箱”为例 本文给大家介绍LS-PrePost关于网格质量检查及优化的例子。 首先导入Cube_Corner.k,这个案例木有几何文件,因为着重想介绍一下LS-PrePost关于网格质量检查及优化的功能。导入网格如图1所示,直观地可以看出该模型网格有需要修复以及优化的地方...
Ansys LS-DYNA是一款通用有限元软件,用于仿真材料在短时高强度载荷下的响应。它是最广泛使用的显式求解程序,使用显式时间积分求解非线性、瞬态和动态问题。此次推出的学生版Ansys LS-DYNA是商用LS-DYNA产品的简化版,虽有一定局限性,但适用于求解学术相关问题,目前包含LS-DYNA求解器和Ansys LS-PrePost。
Units when exporting from Workbench to Prepost Hello everyone. When writing a file to a k-file from Workbench for further work in Prepost LS-Dyna and the default NMM units, in what units will the equiv stress be in Prepost LS-Dyna? javat33489February...
lsdyna单元报错..友友们,我是用workbench 的dyna模块划分的网格,然后把生成的K文件导入到prepost再修改。结果运行的时候就报这个错误?我划分网格的时候part1是六面体,part2是四面体的呀,是不是