那么在LS-dyna的材料模型中有没有复合上述要求的材料模型呢? 答案是有的,材料关键字中的58号材料复合材料本构MAT_LAMINATED_COMPOSITEFABRIC (*MAT_58)可以通过设置EA、EB为负值,引入用curve、table表述的材料性能曲线。以EA(纵向)杨氏模量为例: -EA=Curve ID,通过*define_curve定义纵向轴应力-应变曲线; -EA=...
Previously, the material direction was initialized to be equivalent to the local coordinate system direction. This is not consistent with the manual for skewed elements which states that the material a-axis is in the 1-2 directions for AOPT=0. This is now fixed and the manual is correct. ...
Orthotropic materials Element coordinate system and invariant node numbering: Shell elements stress update calculations in LS-DYNA are done in a local element coordinate system, not the global coord…
Fix for*ELEMENT_INERTIAto allow a local coordinate system to be defined by using nodal points. Bug fix related to*ELEMENT_MASS_PART_SETwhich caused a memory clobber. Fix problem with MPP decomposition related to seatbelt sensors of type 2 and 4, that was causing a memory clobber that led ...
在ANSYS/LS-DYNA中,所有载荷都是在一个载荷步内施加的。这和隐式分析有很大的不同,它在多个载荷步内施加载荷。在ANSYS/LS-DYNA中,对于一些特定的载荷,也可以用EDLOAD命令指定何时施加(birth time)、何时去除(death time)。请参考EDLOAD命令中的Birth Time,Death Time和CID,检验birth/death time的适用性。
—使用component或PART IDs和数组参数 —如何施加、删除、显示一般载荷[EDLOAD ]—如何绘制载荷曲线[EDPL]—如何定义数据曲线[EDCURVE ]—如何显示或隐藏载荷标记 ·约束和初始条件 —如何在ANSYS/LS-DYNA中施加约束[D,EDNROT]—如何定义滑移和循环对称平面[EDBOUND ]—如何定义混合型约束[EDCNSTR ]—如何定义焊点...
*DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY 对写入到二进制输 出文件中的数据进行控制 • 体和壳增加的历史变量的数目 • 这些状态变量对每一个材料模型都不同 • 壳积分点输出的数目 (MAXINT) • 默认输出 3 个积分点 (mid, bottom, top) 的数据 • 应变张量 (STRFLG) • 默认情况下 LS-DYNA 计算的弹性应变是...
will represent either a local coordinate system (used for loads labels FX, MX, etc.) or a direction vector (used for prescribed motion labels UX, ROTX, VX, AX, etc.). See the Notes section for more information on how the CID is used. If the load is in the global coordinate system,...
1)用*DATABASE_CROSS_SECTION_PLANE+*DADABASE_SECFORC 定义,但是必需在求解之前就定义好, 求解完成后在工作路径下生成SECFORC文本文件可以直接用origin /exel等软件读取 也可以在lspp的ASCII中显示 When the PLANE option is used to define a cross-section (*DATABASE_CROSS_SECTION_PLANE), LS-DYNA chooses...