7、istory d3thdt (加载d3plot后生成) Command File 指令项目文件 Database File post.db file (created by cdb=input) Project File Project file (pre processing)项 目文件(前处理) Interface Force Interface force file (后处理) IGES File IGES格式的几何结构数据 VDA File VDA格式的几何结构数据 Nastran...
Binary Plot-d3plot,interface file或者d3thdt LS‐DYNA Keyword-ASCII格式的输入文件Time History–d3thdt(加载d3plot后生成) Command File–指令项目文件 Database File–post.dbfile Project File–Project file Interface Force–Interface force file IGES File–IGES格式的几何结构...
type=type@entry=unknown, command_line_arg=command_line_arg@entry=true, dirname=dirname@entry=0x41...
---E 1 root system 64 Apr 29 03:23 only_nfs4_ea -rw-r--r--- 1 root system 4 Apr 29 03:23 only_regular 若為AIX 6.1以及更新版本: 輸出範例: -rwSr-x---+ 1 root system 28 Apr 29 03:23 only_aixc -rwSr-x---E 1 root system 4 Apr 29 03:23 only_aixc_ea -rw-r--r-...
After you run the ls command, only the file name is displayed. The dir command is used to save detailed file information, while the ls command is used to save only the file name even if the file is specified and saved in a local directory. Precautions The wildcard (*) can be used ...
However, we can Use thels -lcommand in combination with thegrepcommand to list only directories. ls -l | grep "^d" The preceding command will list directories under the current working directory. If you want toinclude hidden folders, use thels -lawith grep command, as shown in the follo...
TheLD_ASSUME_KERNELenvironment variable set incorrectly in the users~/.bash_profilefile. Diagnostic Steps Verify that the issue only occurs for a single user when usingls Verify that thelddcommand for the individual user reports missing libraries whereas the 'root' user will display the correct l...
-q, --quietOnly display container IDs -s, --sizeDisplay total file sizes Examples Do not truncate output (--no-trunc) Runningdocker ps --no-truncshowing 2 linked containers. $docker ps --no-truncCONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMESca5534a51dd04bbcebe9b23ba05f389466cf0...
$ ls --hide=[!file2.html] ./dir2/ dir22 file1.html This outputs only the file we passed to the–hideoption. The rest of the files are excluded. However,any subdirectories are visible in the output. 5. UsinggrepWithls Apart from employing thelscommand and its options alone or with...
Thelsgcommand can be used almost exactly like thelscommand. The actual operation of the command is to invokelsand then post-process the output, so most of thelsswitches and uses are exactly the same. However, because it only handles single columns, the switches related to multi-column, comm...