Added "g" as abbreviation for gigawords in specification of memory on execution line, e.g, memory=16g is 16 billion words. Suppress non-printing characters in *COMMENT output. Add command line option "pgpkey" to output the current public PGP key used by LS-DYNA. The output goes to the...
The abbreviation VVGngd stands for in accordance with the generally accepted rules for marking wires:The absence of the letter "A" indicates that this is a copper cable V - external insulation consists of polyvinyl chloride material (PVC);V - cable core insulation is made of PVC;G - bare...
rpm = 3200 1/min 3QLC - KT B-B B B A A-A 6 H1 P4 J1 K1 K A JH Chuck mounting Z 12 W O R K H O L D I N G S O L U T I O N S W O R L D W I D E Dimensions / Performance data 3 QLC- KT Abbreviation explanation for chuck mountings FORKARDT Type designat...
The algorithms supported by Oracle Data Mining are listed in Table 43-1. Table 43-1 Oracle Data Mining Algorithms AlgorithmAbbreviationFunction Apriori AR Association Decision Tree DT Classification Expectation Maximization EM Clustering Generalized Linear Model GLM Classification, Regression k-Means...