LS-0019-IS-PQR3010 LS-0019-IS-PQE1223 这在您缺少安装一些文件的必要权限或电脑需要重启时很常见。 以管理员权限运行Epic Games启动程序 Windows 右键单击系统托盘图标,然后单击 "退出",退出 Epic Games启动程序。 找到Epic Games启动程序快捷方式。 右键点击快捷方式。 点击以管理员身份运行。 在弹出的窗口上点击...
LS-0019: Prerequisites installation failed This error code means that the prerequisites for a game have failed to install correctly or completely. This error code may also appear as: LS-0019-IS-IZ01 LS-0019-IS-PQR3010 LS-0019-IS-PQE1223 This is common when y...
4.20打开 报错L..在桌面选中Epic Games launcher 快捷图标, 单击鼠标右键,选择属性,在属性的"目标"一栏地址末尾加入-SkipBuildPatchPrereq 就可以正常启动了.
LS-0019-IS-PQR3010 LS-0019-IS-PQE1223 This is common when you don't have the necessary permissions to install files or your computer requires a restart. Run the Epic Games Launcher as an administrator Windows Exit the Epic Games Launcher by right-clicking on the system tray icon and...
LS-0019: Prerequisites installation failed This error code means that the prerequisites for a game have failed to install correctly or completely. This error code may also appear as: LS-0019-IS-IZ01 LS-0019-IS-PQR3010 LS-0019-IS-PQE1223 This is common when y...
LS-0019: Prerequisites installation failed This error code means that the prerequisites for a game have failed to install correctly or completely. This error code may also appear as: LS-0019-IS-IZ01 LS-0019-IS-PQR3010 LS-0019-IS-PQE1223 This is common when ...
LS-0019: Prerequisites installation failed This error code means that the prerequisites for a game have failed to install correctly or completely. This error code may also appear as: LS-0019-IS-IZ01 LS-0019-IS-PQR3010 LS-0019-IS-PQE1223 This is common when ...
Questo codice di errore significa che i prerequisiti per un gioco non sono stati installati in modo corretto o completo. Questo codice di errore può presentarsi anche come: LS-0019-IS-IZ01 LS-0019-IS-PQR3010 LS-0019-IS-PQE1223 Questo errore si presenta ...