staplr requires a Java installation on your system. You can get the latest version of java from here. OpenJDK also works. You can install the stable version from CRAN. install.packages('staplr', dependencies = TRUE) You can install staplr from github with: # install.packages("devtools")...
hi there, I have been trying to run the staplr code on Ubuntu 20.04.5 and keep getting an error (All unnamed arguments must be length 1) when trying to use the set_fields function. The get_fields function seems to work fine, I am using it in R and able to see that the field va...
Monte Carlo simulations show that the proposed tests have good size properties and reasonable power. Their use is illustrated by means of an application to nominal exchange rate changes, 1973M2-2000M2.Ana-Maria FuertesJerry CoakleySocial Science Electronic Publishing...
一、邢婷担任职务:担任芜湖市镜湖城市更新建设有限公司财务负责人;二、邢婷的商业合作伙伴:基于公开数据展示,邢婷目前有8个商业合作伙伴,包括胡丞、陈燕、何燕等。 财产线索 线索数量 老板履历 图文概览商业履历 任职全景图 投资、任职的关联公司 商业关系图 一图看清商业版图 合作伙伴 了解老板合作关系 更新...
PDF Toolkit. :paperclip: :hammer: :wrench: :scissors: :bookmark_tabs: :file_folder::paperclip: :bookmark: :construction: :construction_worker: - Issues · pridiltal/staplr
I ran the following code, but no file is being created or replaced. library(staplr) rotate_pdf(page_rotation = 90, input_filepath = "test.pdf", output_filepath = "success.pdf", overwrite = TRUE) update: in case it was a coding error, I a...
I installed pdftk on both devices and they work fine, so I guess it's an issue regarding staplr. Any suggestions to quickly solve the issue?Collaborator oganm commented Jun 19, 2018 Probably related to slash directions on the filepath Author pohndorff commented Jun 19, 2018 Yeah, stupid...