I have some questions about LPUART1 of 'S32K142'.I use it with LIN transceiver 'ATA663211'. I use it to be master. My transmit function is right,but receive function is stranger. When I want to receive data form slave,I transmit head first.Then I receive data. ...
The example only use the lin api,but I don't use sdk.I program by reference mannual.I want to know how to operate the LPUART registers. My question is the exceptional 'rdrf' status in register 'LPUART->STS'. It is setted to '1' for several times,when I transmit data. I don't...
I use code like this 'if(LPUART1->STS & rdrf mask) else if(LPUART1->STS & tc mask)' in the interrupt. The problem is when I want to transmit data,the rdrf is '1',so it do the receive work.I don't know how rdrf to be '1'. ...