Changes of Lipid Peroxidants,Superoxide Dismutase and Vit E after the Second Aortic Crossclamp during Cardiopul- monaryBypass Zhu Yabin,M aW ankou,W uX i,Chen Fan.Departm ent of T horacic andCardiovascular Surgery ,A ffil-i atedHospitalof Nanjing Railw ay M edicalCollege,N anjing 2100...
V it E w ere significantly low er than preoperation values.L PO ,SO D and Vit E had signif-i cant difference betw een tw o groups at postoperative 2 h.Conclusion After recrossclamping during cardiopulmonary bypass,serious oxygen radicals-mediated myocardial injury occured w ith plasma ...
Departm ent of T horacic and Cardiovascular Surgery ,A ffil-i ated Hospital of Nanjing Railw ay M edical College,N anjing 210009 Objective T o investigate changes of lipid peroxidant ,superox ide dismutase and Vit E after the second aortic cross-clamp during cardiopulmonary bypass.Method 6case...
4、re tested before and after treatment.Results:The efficacy of huperzine-A was up to 63.33%.It could relieve memory disorder and dementia of patients to some degree.There was significant difference in SOD and LPO concentration in red cell and plasma before and after treatment(P0.05).Conclusion...