该船于2019年6月签订建造合同,是大鲜造船承接的首艘LPG船订单。在承接该船订单后,大鲜造船与国内中型船舶设计团队合作,采用了全新设计,以保持LPG运输的稳定性。 大鲜造船相关负责人表示:“我们通过与韩国型加压储罐专业公司LeeYoung IND开展合作,提高了LPG船国产化技术。公司将以该船的成功建造为契机,加快进军新型中小...
LPG is a"very easy"substitute for natural gas and its consumption worldwide will continue to increase as efforts to decarbonise gather pace,World LPG Association(WLPGA)director David Tyler says.LPG can be blended with air to create synthetic natural gas(SNG),or LPG-air,which has similar prope...
发货地 广东深圳 商品类型 电子元器件 、 集成电路(IC) 、 其他集成电路 商品关键词 DRV5053EAQLPGQ1、 TI/德州仪器、 20+ 商品图片 商品参数 品牌: TI/德州仪器 封装: 20+ 批号: TO-92-3 数量: 5000 湿气敏感性等级 (MSL): 1(无限) 产品族: 磁性传感器 - 线性,罗盘(IC) 系列: 汽车级...
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) sensing properties of nanocrystalline CdO thin films prepared by chemical route: Effect of molarities of precursor solution We report synthesis of cadmium oxide (CdO) thin films by a simple, inexpensive chemical bath deposition (CBD) method and their application to a ...
SINGAPORE (ICIS)--China's liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) prices have extended last December's uptrend into early January, supported by rising import costs and reduced sales pressure. Looking ahead, the market will be keeping a close eye on volumes and arrival times of imported cargoes in view ...