Know the entire list of LPG gas cylinder prices state and city wise. Also, check how to refill the LPG gas cylinder.
The price of domestic gas cylinder has not been changed. In last month also the rate of commercial LPG cylinder was raised by Rs 62. Since the last five months that is from August to December, the prices of commercial gas cylinders have continuously increased. In the month of October, the...
Results suggest that DME produced from a 50:50 blend of locally available coal and Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) could provide the cooking needs of approximately 15% of Kolkata's population, and become cost competitive with imported LPG at an oil price of $130 per barrel. At this blend ratio,...
Find Petrol, Diesel, Auto LPG , CNG , Auto Gas, ATF fuel Price list across Indian States and Cities. Historical & Latest Revised petrol, diesel, LPG Cylinder, Kerosene rates