Today's LPG price in Delhi is ₹ 803 for the Non Subsidised 14.2 Kg cylinder. Check out the changes in Delhi LPG price along with the historical rates of the city.
Know the entire list of LPG gas cylinder prices state and city wise. Also, check how to refill the LPG gas cylinder.
People expressing worry after increasing fuel and LPG cylinder prices. The LPG cylinder price in Delhi is R 949.50. LPG cylinder price hiked, know latest price in Telangana Earlier on March 1, the prices of 19 kg commercial LPG cylinders was increased by Rs 105 in Delhi. With this increase,...
Retail LPG prices in India have increased as predicted after state elections in February and are expected to continue rising, fuelling growing discontent among opposition parliamentary members and consumers. The price of a 14.2kg cylinder rose by 50 rupees to Rs950 ($12.50) in Delhi in late ...
New Delhi:Cooking gas LPG price on October 6 was hiked by Rs 15 per cylinder in line with a surge in international fuel prices. Rates of both subsidised and non-subsidised LPG prices were hiked, oil company officials said. Cooking gas now costs Rs 899.50 per cylinder in New Delhi. ...
After the price hike, retail sales price of a 19 Kg commercial LPG cylinder in Delhi will now be Rs 1,795.00. Retail sales price of a 19 Kg commercial LPG cylinder in Delhi will now be Rs 1,911.00, Rs 1749.00 in Mumbai and Rs 1960.50 in Mumbai. ...
This is expected to put an impact on people who rely on LPG for doing their work. The new and updated price of commercial LPG cylinder in Delhi is Rupees 1,818.50. Similarly the updated cost of commercial LPG cylinder in Mumbai is Rs 1,771, Rs 1,927 in Kolkata and Rs 1,980 in Che...
LPG Cylinder Manufacturers,Aluminum Alloy Manufacturers,Punjab Gas Cylinders Limited,Manufacturers,Aluminum Alloy Suppliers Sri Mohan HP Gas Service Bhajanpura A 35, Gali No 9, Near SD Public School, Pusta Road, Pin Code-110053, Delhi 09654287475 ...
Additionally, under this scheme, women from economically weaker sections will receive LPG cylinders at a subsidized price of Rs 500. On major festivals like Holi and Diwali, women will also receive one free cylinder. The party ...
In Delhi, the price of a non-subsidised domestic cylinder is Rs 895, compared with Rs 410 of a subsidised one. 展开 年份: 2012 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 求助全文 国家科技图书文献中心 (权威机构) 掌桥科研 相似文献The Hidden Costs of Clean Election Reform 1 1 When Good ...