一句一句来解释吧:dir = (dir ^ 0x1), LPC_GPIO2->DIR |= (0x1 结果二 题目 dir = (dir ^ 0x1),LPC_GPIO2->DIR |= (0x1 答案 一句一句来解释吧: dir = (dir ^ 0x1), LPC_GPIO2->DIR |= (0x1 相关推荐 1dir = (dir ^ 0x1),LPC_GPIO2->DIR |= (0x1 2 dir = (dir ^...
dir = (dir ^ 0x1),LPC_GPIO2->DIR |= (0x1 扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得 答案解析 查看更多优质解析解答一 举报一句一句来解释吧:dir = (dir ^ 0x1), LPC_GPIO2->DIR |= (0x1 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答 相似问题 ...
LPC17xx固件库中 STATIC INLINE void Chip_GPIO_SetPinDIRInput(LPC_GPIO_T *pGPIO, uint8_t port, uint8_t pin) { pGPIO[port].DIR &= ~(1UL << pin); } 形参port代表的是什么?是GPIO0 GPIO1 GPIO2 么?Options 08-18-2017 02:07 AM 1,120 Views 余骁鑫...
LPC_GPIO0->FIODIR=0x0; LPC_GPIO1->FIODIR=0x1;> Next step is the configuration of timer registers. Different steps involved are. 1. Reset the timer by configuring TCR. 2. Set Prescale value in PR 3. Set the count value in Match register(MR) 4. Set appropriate value in MCR. 5...
GPIO1 Group IO1DIR(Input Output Direction Register) contains the direction assignments for each I/O port bit. The checkboxes are checked for output and unchecked for input. IO1SET(Input Output Set Register) bits are checked to force a high level for a that port bit during output. ...
GPIO Group IOnDIR(Input Output Direction Register) contains the direction assignments for each I/O port bit. The checkboxes are checked for output and unchecked for input. IOnSET(Input Output Set Register) bits are checked to force a high level for a that port bit during output. ...
> spaces for banks P2 and GPIO, when it concerns GPIO, DIR_CLR/DIR_STATE > registers has a bit offset to control GPIO bank lines. So do we think that other hardware will have this property too or is it an nxp,* thing? >>> +- gpios: number of GPIO lines per GPIO bank, if th...
spaces for banks P2 and GPIO, when it concerns GPIO, DIR_CLR/DIR_STATE registers has a bit offset to control GPIO bank lines. >> +- gpios: number of GPIO lines per GPIO bank, if this property is >> + omitted, then gpio-input-mask must be present, ...