ParametersDefaultSetting SSIDHF-LPB100 IPAddress54 SubnetMask UserNameadmin Passwordadmin 3.1.1.OpenWebManagementInterface Thereisinternalwebpageandexternalwebpageinmodules.Theexternalwebpageisforweb management.Theinternalwebpageisonlyforupgrading. Step1:ConnectlaptoptoSSID“HF-LPB100”ofHF-LPB100moduleviawire...
Enter your default credentials (username and password) After writing it, press the login option, and the user will be logged in to the 10.0 0.1 Piso Wifi Admin Panel. After, the user can change the WiFi settings according to their preferences, such as LAN and WAN settings, p... is a private IP address used as the default gateway for routers, especially those offering public WiFi like Piso WiFi systems. This address lets users access the router’s admin panel to manage network settings. To get to the router’s settings, open a web browser and type http:/... is a private IP address used as the default gateway for routers, especially those offering public WiFi like Piso WiFi systems. This address lets users access the router’s admin panel to manage network settings. To get to the router’s settings, open a web browser and type http:/...
drf默认提供了一些权限类: AllowAny:游客和登录用户有全权限 IsAuthenticated:只有登录用户有全权限 IsAdminUser:只有后台用户(admin用户)有全权限 IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly:游客有读权限,登录用户有全权限 权限组件为我们提供的校验功能是有限的,我们可以自定义自己的校验功能。自定义权限类的步骤如下:...
password='123zgh',database='test2', charset='utf8') cursor = conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) sql ="update user set name=%s where id=%s"cursor.execute(sql,('xiaoyu',2)) conn.commit() cursor.close() conn.close() ...
校验失败信息 def validate_username(self,value): if 'b' in value.lower(): raise serializers.ValidationError('名字中不能出现a') return value def validate(self, attrs): re_password = attrs.pop('re_password')#pop会将要pop的内容先取出,再pop password = attrs.get('password') if password !