transplanted the recipient mice wowfiatLhsPdWAe4tTertoomriBLnMPedAr4i-endcPeofnBicsitceietnlultstiBo(FMni,g. .WT 2hLTr)e.eaTnmhdeoLnrePthsAus4l-atdsftesefhricotiwreanentdspmnloaicnsetiagwtnioeifrnie-, cant difference in the percentages of donor cells among these BM chimeras (Fig. 2M...
The gel electrophoresis of the amplicons obtained failed to reveal any difference in length between wild type and the lpa1* mutant (also in the promoter region till about -1500bp, data not shown), thus suggesting the absence of the Ac Ptrlaanntssp20o1s9o, 8n, xinFsOiRdePEthERe RZEmVMIE...