15.6 寸高清 LED LCD 雾面屏 WXGA LP156WH4-TLP1 兼容 LP156WH4(TL)(P1) 模型号:.LP156WH4-TLP1 尺寸:15.6英寸液晶显示器 分辨率: 1366x768 Pin: 30Pin 背光: LED 条件: 100% 新的和原始的,a级 + 表面:哑光 屏幕类型:TFT-LCD 状态:真正的股票 ...
LG Display (LG Display) 推出的LP156WH4-TPP1 (别名: LP156WH4 (TP)(P1)) (产品代码: LGD038E)是一款采用a-Si TFT-LCD技术的15.6英寸液晶模组产品,它装配有WLED背光,含LED驱动器背光驱动,无触摸。屏库总结它的典型特征为: 白光LED背光,含LED驱动器,端子倒装,表面雾面。它的工作温度为 0 ~ 50°C,...
And is there lp156whb TL B1 or analog? Hi there, do not buy a matrix on a notebook linovo medium sample, it is not suitable for the location of the train. money does not return even through a dispute. Sold by Hongxinteng Co., Ltd Store(Trader) ...