in Women With PCOS Weight Loss and Lowering Androgens Predict Improvements in Health-Related Quality of Life in Women With PCOSWeight Loss and Lowering Androgens Predict Improvements in Health-Related Quality of Life in Women With PCOSWeight loss and normalization of hyperandrogenism results in ...
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common form of infertility in the United States, affecting 5% to 10% of women of reproductive age.24 It is characterized by chronic anovulation and hyperandrogenism. In addition to these major features, insulin resistance and compensatory ...
[36]. Very low estradiol levels throughout the study are also an argument against increased peripheral aromatization of ovarian and adrenal androgens in the adipose tissue, muscles, liver, skin, and breast tissues, despite the stimulatory effect of metformin on aromatase activity [37] and the ...