将数组中的所有单词连接起来: "snakeCaseExample"。 lowerCamelCase命名规则在编程中常用于变量、函数、方法等的命名,特别是在Java、JavaScript等语言中较为常见。 腾讯云相关产品中,与命名规则转换无直接关联,但可以使用腾讯云的云函数(Tencent Cloud Function)来实现将snake_case转换为lowerCamelCase的功能。云函数是一...
Another advantage is that lowerCamelCase names can be easily extended without fear of breaking existing code. For example, if avariablenamedmyNameneeds to be renamed tomyFullName, this can be done without affecting any code that uses the original name. Additionally, lowerCamelCase provides a cons...
Style (& aliases)Example Camel, lower camel test string→ testString Constant, screaming snake test string→ TEST_STRING Dot test string→ test.string Header test string→ Test-String Lower test string→ test string Lower first TEST STRING→ tEST STRING No test string→ test string Param, kebab...
john-connor) format is going to be detected automatically. Here's an example:use Jawira\CaseConverter\Convert; $hero = new Convert('john-connor'); echo $hero->toCamel(); // output: johnConnorOf course you can explicitly set the format of input string:echo $hero->fromKebab()->toSnake...
Example: {{ msg | capitalCase }} // 'I LOVE vue-case' => ' I Love Vue Case'headerCaseExample: {{ msg | headerCase }} // 'I LOVE vue-case' => 'I-Love-Vue-Case'titleCaseExample: {{ msg | titleCase }} // 'I LOVE vue-case' => 'I LOVE Vue-Case'...