MRI, with its direct multiplanar capabilities and excellent soft-tissue contrast resolution, has proved to be superior to CT for the evaluation of ankle tendons and ligaments. The tendons show uniformly low signal intensity in all spin echo pulse sequences, with the exception of the Achilles tend...
MRI characterization of brown adipose tissue under thermal challenges in normal weight, overweight, and obese young men J. Magn. Reson. Imaging, 47 (2018), pp. 936-947 Google Scholar 37 F. Haman, D.P. Blondin Shivering thermogenesis in humans: origin, contribution and metabolic requirement Te...
The common urodynamic findings in patients with lower lumbar spine lesions, such as intervertebral disc prolapse and spinal canal stenosis, are underactive or acontractile detrusor, but detrusor over-activity is also found in 10% of patients with lumbar disc prolapse and 29% of those with lumbar...
ligamentum flavum, and facet joints, which results in narrowing of the space around the neurovascular structures of the spine. Diagnosis of spinal pain syndromes includes radiography (RTG), computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Based on the results of imaging studies,...
Forty-eight-year-old man with intravenous drug abuse presents with right lower leg pain, swelling, and redness. Axial T1 (a), STIR (b) and T1 FS pre- (c) and post-contrast (d) MRI images demonstrates an anteromedial subcutaneous fluid collection that is STIR hyperintense with rim enhancem...
In patients with metallic prosthesis of the hip, knee or spine the image quality of the ultra-fast GE sequence can be mediocre. In 3 segments we encountered more severe artefacts on the ultra-fast GE sequences in comparison to the HR-FFE sequence related to hipjoint and spinal implants. ...
She had decreased lumbar spine flexion greater than extension and increased muscle tone in her bilateral hip flexors and knee extensors. The suspicion of multiple sclerosis was high according to her current findings and history. MRI of the brain without contrast showed pathognomonic findings of ...
(2) no specific medical history including diabetes mellitus, peripheral neuropathy, spinal stenosis, disc herniation, joint disease of the leg, previous surgery history of the spine and lower limbs, or recent trauma; (3) no definite present pain or skin lesion in the lower limbs; (4) no ...
Keywords: anatomy; nerve root compression; radiculopathy; spine Graphical Abstract1. Introduction Although the anatomical definition of the intervertebral foramen is unambiguous, and the stenosis of its lumen is important from the point of view of diagnosis and treatment of back pain syndromes, only ...
The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Institutional Review Board of Pohang Stroke and Spine Hospital (approval no. PSSH-0457-202002-HR-002-01). Informed Consent Statement Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the...