For a smaller variance, the multiple censored sample method leads to superior estimates regarding the RMSE and bias, whereas Helsel's method is superior regarding the bias for a larger variance. Under model misspecification, Helsel's method was inferior to the other methods. Estimating the mean, ...
Is the lower RMSE from a gaussian assumption suggestive of a problem with my data or model? Just for reference the difference in RMSE is usually around the .02 range. My only goal is to minimize the RMSE of my model, if OLS is better at reducing RMSE would it be good practice ...
This variability is clearly visible in our experimental data (see Additional file 1: Figs. S1, S2). Nevertheless, the computed goodness-of-fit indicators (SSE, R2, RMSE) imply that the fitted psychometric functions presented sufficiently high performance (low error and high R2), especially ...
Mean absolute error and root mean square error: which is the better metric for assessing model performance? The mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE) are two metrics that are often used interchangeably as measures of ocean forecast accuracy. Recent literature has debated wh...
Mean absolute error (MAE), mean square error (MSE), root mean square error (RMSE), normalized root mean square error (NRMSD) and R2 determination coefficients were selected to evaluate the WOA-BP model and BP neural network model (Equation (17)).(17)MAE(y,ŷ)=1n∑i=1n|y-ŷi...
A comparison has been made between WD and lower–upper-TWD in terms of RMSE and KS. Our data revealed that the TWD model performed better than WD for most of the cases of WS data for Bangladesh. In the future, spatial maps using TWD will be a useful technique to obtain information on...
Winter streamflow was best predicted using Pw alone (Ps from the preceding summer was not a significant predictor; average R2 = 0.83; average RMSE = 24 mm; Table S2 in Supporting Information S1): (2) The best model of summer streamflow included Ps as well as the preceding Pw, consistent...
(CL1), while showed higher correlations to the DTC of parameters when the cognitive load increases: DTC effect on the number of tapping (CL2), on rmse of the jerk (CL2), on the SMA (CL2), on the opening velocity (CL3), on the SMA (CL3), and on the kurtosis of the acceleration...
With impedance compensation, accuracy of force tracking was also slightly better (RMSE of 9.3 vs. 9.8 N, force/impedance vs. force control only). Conclusions The control strategy facilitated accurate volitional control of pedal position and, simultaneously, accurate and robust control of pedal forces...
Besides, JPLM has better performance in NSE and RMSE in the MLYRB and its subbasins. In Figure S3 in Supporting Information S1, we find that in the MLYRB and the HRB, JPLM performs better than CSRM, while in the MRB and the PLB, the performance of CSRM is superior. It can be ...