A removable partial denture technique that covers all available mandibular foundation tissue including that lingual to the anterior teeth has been described. The lingual resin connector is in direct contact with the tissue and is reinforced by a 12 gauge stainless steel wire that is embedded ...
The effect of partial denture clasp design on abutment tooth movement A method of observing in the laboratory, the movement of abutment teeth supporting a mandibular removable partial denture was evaluated. The results show this testing design to be reliable. Four different clasp assemblies were ...
bone and gum tissues), though not necessarily function. Studies indicate that most people are more satisfied with their upper (maxillary) denture as compared to the lower (mandibular) one. And at least half of all lower denture wear
[Load tolerance of the mandibular ridge and its extensions to the weight of the base plate of the total lower removable denture, in relation to alveolar in... [Load tolerance of the mandibular ridge and its extensions to the weight of the base plate of the total lower removable denture, ...
Assembly for supporting a submaxillary denture on a lower jaw, comprising a base plate (2), which has the form of a curved strip, a bridge member (12) on which the submaxillary denture is to be placed, a set of columns (3-6) which are provided with threaded bores in which fixing ...
CRNC8: Implant Supported Overdenture Rehabilitation with A 3D Printed Framework for A Mandibulectomy Patient: A Case Report. She was wearing removable upper and lower partial dentures. Sequential treatment was carried out by maintaining the compromised mandibular teeth as abutment to insert laboratory ...
Marginal bone height changes around maxillary and mandibular implants supportin g All on four fixed detachable prosthesis. One-year prospective study Purpose of the study: The aim of the present study was to investigate the marginal boneheight changes around maxillary and mandibular implants supporting...
Two implants sup- porting a mandibular over-denture to rehabilitate Cawood and Howell Class V and VI patients: A proof-of-concept study. J. Oral Sci. Rehabil. 2017, 3, 52–59. [Google Scholar] Tallarico, M.; Ortensi, L.; Martinolli, M.; Casucci, A.; Ferrari, E.; Malaguti, G....