Traumatic Bone Cysts in the Lower Jawdoi:10.3109/00016486409134595M?rtenssonG.Taylor & FrancisActa Oto-Laryngologica
Fig. 3. (A, B) Defect of anterior mandible, total lower lip, oral commissures and medial cheeks, chin and central neck, following resection of advanced lip cancer. (C, D) Combined fibula osteocutaneous (mandible and floor of mouth) and radial forearm (lower lip and chin) free flaps wit...
Prafulchandra Hansaraj Pitroda, 55, had half his upper jaw, all of his lower jaw and a cheek removed in surgery to combat the spread of the disease in June last year. Chewing of Asian nut caused cancer It is a viral infection that causes swelling of the parotid gland, a salivary gland...
mandiblejaw bonelower jawbone 下颌骨汉英翻译 jawbone下颌骨; submaxilary下颚,下颚骨,颚下腺; mandible下颚,下颚骨; 下牙床; mandibula下颌骨; 词组短语 下颌骨骨折fracture of mandible; Mandibular fracture 下颌骨颜面发育不全口腔 mandibulofacial dysostosis ...
On the union of the tympanic bone with the lower jaw occurring in the marsupials during development, as a fresh proof of the agreement of this bone with the os quadratum of the other classes of vertebrataTENSIONTORSIONTEST AND EVALUATION
The bone of the lower jaw. The lower jaw. (invertebrate zoology) Any of various mouthparts in many invertebrates designed to hold or bite into food. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ...
lower jaw bone 美 英 un.下牙床骨 英汉 un. 1. 下牙床骨 例句 释义: 全部,下牙床骨
lower jaw bone分享到: 下颌骨分类: 生物学词汇 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献 详细解释:以下为句子列表:分享到: 赞助商链接 你知道它的英文吗? ·修复回交 ·羽状复叶 ·半规管 ·贝母属生物碱 ·蓖麻 ·参量程序化 ·层析分析,色谱分析 ·超螺线管 ...
The flews of theupperjawarestronglydevelopedandoverlapthelowerjawto give asquarelookwhenviewedfromtheside. 从侧面观察的时候,上唇和上颚非常发达,与下颚交叠,形成矩形外观。 5. Theauthorsdescribethecaseoftherarelocationbreast cancermetastasistothelowerjaw,24monthsafterprimarytumorremoval. ...
submaxilaryjawbone(the bone of) the lower jaw 下颚骨汉英翻译 jawbone下颌骨; submaxilary下颚,下颚骨,颚下腺; 词组短语 下颚骨和齿弓Mandible and Dental Arch 方下颚骨JawLine 下颚骨体mandibular body 双语例句 1. The hardest bone in the human body is the jawbone. ...