Lower jaw bone length is altered by pharmacological inhibition of embryonic avian osteoclast activityBumann, Erin EalbaAnatomy: International Journal of Experimental & Clinical Anatomy
Book2019, Anatomy and Histology of the Laboratory Rat in Toxicology and Biomedical Research Robert Lewis Maynard, Noel Downes Explore book The Lower Jaw The lower jaw or mandible of man is a single bone that arises from left and right halves that fuse at the mental symphysis see Figs. 5.9 ...
(anatomy) The bone of the lower jaw. The lower jaw. (invertebrate zoology) Any of various mouthparts in many invertebrates designed to hold or bite into food. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ...
Lower jaw bone, called the mandible (commonly referred to as the jawbone) Largest, strongest, and the only mobile bone of the skull Meets the temporal bone of the skull at the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which allows movement of the mandible Both bones have several muscles, nerves, and b...
The lower jaw of an eleven year old depicts deciduous teeth being replaced by permanent teeth. Unbreakable plastic, the model has been scaled to 3-1/2 times life size to enhance difficult to observe details. The outer portion of the jaw bone has been cut away exposing the roots of ...
Thelowerjawismoreexposedtoviolenceandconsequentlyismoreoftenfracturedthananyotherfacialbone. 下颌骨更加容易暴露于外界暴力中,因此比所有其它的面部骨都更经常发生骨折。 wenku.baidu.com 8. Acanthostegaalsodrewattentiontoaformerlyunderappreciatedpartof earlytetrapodanatomy:theinsideofthelowerjaw. ...
The basis of successful fabrication of a lower full prosthesis, apart from correct use of clinical-technological methods, is knowledge of the anatomy of the lower jaw and surrounding structures, their relationship to the base of the ... J Pandurić,Ćelić, Robert,P Kobler - 《Acta Stomat...
(a) CM 9188 in dorsal view (image credits to Amy Henrici); (b–f) anatomy of the skull, reconstructed from all the specimens used in this study (image credits to Arthur Brum); (g–i) ontogeny of the temporal region, illustrating the relative increase in length of the LTB in P. ...
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P. The Anatomy and Evolution of“Acanthodian” Stem-Chondrichthyans. PhD thesis, Imperial College London (2018). Qiao, T., King, B., Long, J. A., Ahlberg, P. E. & Zhu, M. Early gnathostome phylogeny revisited: multiple method consensus. PLoS ONE 11, e0163157 (2016). Article ...