Depending on external cause or underlying disease, dermatitis may be either localized or diffuse in nature. History and examination play a huge role in determining etiology and treatment plan. Four of the most common causes of dermatitis are contact, irritant, atopic, and stasis dermatitis....
Contact sensitization in patients with lower extremity dermatitis in the South Moravian region, Czech Republiclower extremity dermatitis • allergic contact dermatitis • epicutaneous tests • most common contact allergensObjectives: The aim of the study was to determine the frequency of contact ...
Only one extremity will be included per patient. It is expected that 10% of patients will be lost during follow-up. To promote the most statistically rigorous method, we will use a larger sample size of at least 106 patients. Data will be evaluated either by Student’s t-test or non-...
We present the case of a 52-year-old white male who presented to the clinic with bilateral lower extremity edema, erythematous papules, and brown discoloration. The typical clinical presentation of granuloma annulare, subacute eczematous stasis dermatitis, and contact dermatitis, as well as treatment...