The of prosthetic grafts may be due to many factors: technical errors, poor run-off, prosthetic material, graft length, by subcutaneous tunnellization or repeated microtrauma across the joint areas, evolution of atherosclerotic lesions, emorheological changes. In 50 patients submitted to surgical arter...
The protection of muscles in the early stage of ASO is also critical for therapy, and all the current approaches, such as drugs and stem cell/gene therapies, do not focus on the inhibition of muscle necrosis in the lower extremities during early blood supply [9]. Once muscle necrosis ...
Aneurysm of the arch of the great saphenous vein: therapeutic challenge and review of the literature Venous aneurysms are uncommon and can involve the entire venous system and occur at any age. The presence of these aneurysmal formations at the level of th... El Kassimi, Badr,Kharroubi, Abde...
ANEURYSM surgeryLEG surgeryTHROMBOEMBOLISM preventionVITAMIN D deficiencyRISK assessmentHEALTH literacyVENOUS thrombosisSCIENTIFIC observationTREATMENT effectivenessRETROSPECTIVE studiesObjective: Venous aneurysms are rare vascular abnormalities associated with venous thromboembolism. In this study, we presented our ...
Thus, the results of this pilot study show that this novel apparatus may be a safe and feasible tool for VTE prophylaxis after joint arthroplasty of the lower extremities. Keywords: leg exercise apparatus; venous thromboembolism prophylaxis; mechanical prophylaxis; arthroplasty; lower extremities...
Surgical treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm in combination with obliterating atherosclerosis of the lower extremitiesdoi:10.14739/2310-1210.2013.4.16863O. V. GubkaV. A. GubkaZaporoskij Medicinskij urnal