必应词典为您提供Lower-of-cost-or-market-method的释义,网络释义: 低法;使用成本市价孰低法;使用成本市价孰抵法;
lower of cost or market [英][ˈləuə ɔv kɔst ɔ: ˈmɑ:kit][美][ˈlaʊɚ ʌv kɔst ɔr ˈmɑrkɪt] [经] 成本与市价孰低; 例句: The animal spirits driving investment can change abruptly, if productivity disappoints,growth expectations dip or the cost...
Using the lower of cost or market principle under U. S. GAAP, if the market value of inventory falls below its historical cost, the minimum value at which the inventory can be reported in the financial statements is the:() A. net realizable value. B. market price minus selling costs ...
cost or market 【经】 成本或市价 market replacement cost 【经】 市场重置成本 market to cost method 【经】 市价成本法 相似单词 lower adj. 1.下面的,下方的 2.在底部的,近底部的 3.朝海岸的 v. 1.[T]把…放低,使…降下 2.[I]减小,缩小,降低 3.[I]变昏暗,变恶劣,变阴沉 lower fat...
Lower of Cost or Market'(LCM)是会计学中的一个重要计价原则,即成本与市价孰低原则,它要求在资产计价时,选择成
网络成本与市价孰低原则 网络释义 1. 成本与市价孰低原则 财会术语表(L)_中华会计网校 ... Loss contingency 或有损失Lower-of-cost-or-market rule成本与市价孰低原则Land 土地,不… www.chinaacc.com|基于16个网页 例句
lower of cost or market[英][ˈləuə ɔv kɔst ɔ: ˈmɑ:kit][美][ˈlaʊɚ ʌv kɔst ɔr ˈmɑrkɪt][经] 成本与市价孰低; 例句: The animal spirits driving investment can change abruptly, if productivity disappoints,growth expectations dip or the cost of...
Net Realizable Value | Uses & Formula 9:12 The Lower of Cost or Market | LCM Definition and Method 6:01 Ch 7. Receivables in Accounting Ch 8. Completing the Operating Cycle in... Ch 9. Long-Term Assets in Accounting Ch 10. Current and Long-Term Liabilities in... Ch 11. Reportin...
成本与市价孰低法什么意思LCM(the lower of cost or market),最好举个通俗例子,谢谢 答案 成本与市价孰低法是会计核算中常用的一种资产计价方法,它是对历史成本原则的补充与修正.该方法主要适用于短期投资、长期投资、存货、固定资产、无形资产、在建工程等资产项目.笔者试就成本与市价孰低法在各项资...相关推荐...
lower of cost or market [英][ˈləuə ɔv kɔst ɔ: ˈmɑ:kit][美][ˈlaʊɚ ʌv kɔst ɔr ˈmɑrkɪt][经] 成本与市价孰低;例句:The animal spirits driving investment can change abruptly, ...