lower case n (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) a compositor's type case, in which the small letters are kept adj (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) of or relating to small letters vb (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) (tr) to print with lower-case letters ...
low·er·case ˌlō-ər-ˈkās of a letter : having as its typical form a f g or b n i rather than A F G or B N I lowercase noun lowercase 2 of 3 verb lowercased; lowercasing transitive verb : to print or set in lowercase letters lower...
Note : The OTR secret code word recognition feature is case sensitive, that is, it can determine the difference between capital (A,B,C) letters and lower case (a,b,c) ones. Bear this in mind when inventing a secret code phrase or word! 注:OTR 密钥代码字符识别特征是区分大小写,也就...
To change the case of text into uppercase means to capitalize all lowercase letters in a text string. Simply put, to change them to ALL CAPS. You can do this in Excel by using the UPPER function. It has the following syntax: =UPPER(text) The only argument in this function is the tex...
The meaning of LOWERCASE is having as its typical form a f g or b n i rather than A F G or B N I. How to use lowercase in a sentence.
Ifyou donotenterout-of-vocabulary wordsinlower-caseletters,thewordis only foundifitisspelledexactlylikeinyourdictionary. 如果没有以小写字母的形式输入词汇表以外的单词,那么将查找到其在字典中的精确拼写。 www.ibm.com 2. Eachof thewordstoignoreappearsinlower-caselettersona lineby itselfandisnomorethan10...
网络小写字母 网络释义 1. 小写字母 宜宾学院外国语学院英语写作 ... locking shift 锁定移位lower-case letters小写字母lower-case name characters 小写名称字元 ... writingybu.blogcn.com|基于49个网页
uppercase- relating to capital letters which were kept in the top half of a compositor's type case; "uppercase letters; X and Y and Z etc" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
lower-case (adj.) 同时lowercase,1680年代,印刷业中,“一种放置在小写字母盒中的字体”,它们集体保存小写字母(与大写字母相对); 参见 lower(形容词)+ case(名词2)。 同样来自于:1680s 相关词汇 lower-case case (n.2) “容器,盒子,包含或装载物品的东西”,早在14世纪,源自盎格鲁-法语和古北法语 casse(...
A dissociation between the ability to print and write cursively in lower-case letters. This paper reports the case of a patient with a peripheral spelling impairment who is much more severely impaired at writing in lower-case letters than in ......