These self-checking upper and lowercase alphabet puzzle are such a fun resource for parents, teachers, and homeschoolers. Children will match the uppercase and lower case letters; the puzzles are self checking. If the picture in the middle is completed with the match, it is correct. THis is...
lower-case letter, minuscule, small letter grapheme, graphic symbol, character - a written symbol that is used to represent speech; "the Greek alphabet has 24 characters" capital letter, majuscule, uppercase, upper-case letter, capital - one of the large alphabetic characters used as the first...
lowercase- the characters that were once kept in bottom half of a compositor's type case lower-case letter,minuscule,small letter grapheme,graphic symbol,character- a written symbol that is used to represent speech; "the Greek alphabet has 24 characters" ...
Match upper and lowercase letters while playing memory. To play, print the letters, then cut each letter out separately and then turn them all face down on the table. Next, each player turns over two cards at a time. If the uppercase letter A is turned over, for example, the match is...
But soon, preschoolers are ready to begin matching upper and lower case letters, and letter matching activities like this one are a great place to start. Thisfree alphabet printablefollows the same letter order as mypreschool phonics curriculum. In myphonics lesson plans, preschoolers are introduced...
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Financial writer and precious metals expert Craig Hemke contends there is no mystery why the dollar is going down in value. Hemke explains, “You’ve got the Fed wanting a lower dollar. You’ve got
1. The first letter of the Greek alphabet. See Table at alphabet. 2. The first of a series; the beginning. 3. Astronomy The brightest star in a constellation. 4. a. The mathematical estimate of the return on a security when the return on the market as a whole is zero. Alpha is ...
low•er•case (ˈloʊ ərˈkeɪs) adj.,v.-cased, -cas•ing, n.adj. 1.(of an alphabetical letter) of a particular form often different from and smaller than its corresponding capital letter, as a, b, q, r. v.t. ...