Beetroot lowers blood pressure because it promotes levels of nitric oxide in the blood. In a study at the University of Reading a shot of beetroot juice equivalent to 100 grams of beetroot (roughly two small beets) lowered blood pressure, and increased nitric oxide, in people with normal blood...
Blood pressure is measured by two numbers: the top number is the systolic pressure (when the heart is pumping blood) and the bottom number is the diastolic pressure (when the heart is at rest). A normal blood pressure number is below 120/80, prehypertension is diagnosed between 120/80 –...
beets contain plenty of phenolic acid - an inorganic nitrate that is converted into nitric oxide when it enters the body, helping to soothe and dilate blood vessels.
Aged garlic extractis shown to be beneficial in lowering blood pressure along withimproving arterial stiffness and inflammation. Losing as little as five to seven percent of body weight can help lower blood pressure. Certainly, this will be achieved with a low carb diet. And because you’ll be...
lower your blood pressure. Per a one-cup serving, beets have almost 4 grams of fiber. That fiber will make you less likely to fill up on processed foods and allow for better waste elimination from your body, Fergus says. Here are a few different ways to incorporate beets into your diet...
Both the leaves and the roots of the radish lowers elevated blood pressures. Method:Juice made out of beets or radishes are the best form of the vegetables, in lowering blood pressure. Drink a glass of blended beets or radishes juice, daily. Also, add fresh beets and radishes to any dish...
DASH diet, every calorie counts. This recipe for coconut milk rice with spinach is ridiculously easy, quick to make (if the rice is prepared in advance) and very tasty. It contains lots of fiber, Potassium, Magnesium and other vitamins and minerals needed to lower your blood pressure. ...