If you suffering with a lower left abdominal pain or discomfort, on and off for the three months or more, with associated bloating, worsened by eating but relieved by defecation, with constipation or diarrhoea, it is most likely that you have a treatable condition called irritable bowel syndrome...
Symptoms: pain after eating on the right or left side below the ribs or in the lower chest and in the shoulder tip (referred pain due to the irritation of the diaphragm), tenderness below the lower ribs and upper abdominal distension (bloating) Reference: (19) Side Stitch Side stitch, “...
Should avoid food: Sweet Potato (abdominal gas food), dry beans and sour biscuits. 2 protein foods Suitable food: less fat food (tender meat, cattle, pig meat, white meat, fish) eggs, milk and milk products (cream, ice cream, cheese, yogurt), soy products (tofu, bean, soybean powder...
15-minute bodyweight ab workout by Rosie Stockley How do I get my body ready for pregnancy + birth? 20-minute low-impact workout by Rosie Stockley How do I build strength when I'm hypermobile? How do I train when I'm sleep deprived?
Generally, symptoms of alcoholic liver disease include abdominal pain and tenderness, dry mouth and increased thirst, fatigue, jaundice (which is yellowing of the skin), loss of appetite, and nausea. Your skin may look abnormally dark or light. Your feet or hands may look red. Is Whiskey goo...
Assesforgradualonset Malaise Early-vagueabdominaldiscomfort Later-cramplikeabdominalpain Bowelevacuation-pus,mucus,blood Stoolsscantyandhard painfuldefecationwithdefecation Assessforabruptonset ProblemoftheLowerGITract Assessmentcon’t.. Assessforcomplications Dehydration,bleedingtendency ...